Live in care
Post-Operative Care

Post-Operative Care

At Care Sisters, we don’t just provide our services for the elderly; we can help with providing a service for anyone that needs post-operative care whether recovering from an illness, accident or infection.

If you live alone, you may not be able to call on the regular support of a relative or friend so we can provide 24-hour care when you need it from one of our highly experienced live-in carers.  We can work with occupational therapists, discharge teams, doctors, health professionals such as district nurses to help manage your rehabilitation programme for a speedy recovery. We can also advise on health and safety issues, exercise regimes and nutrition whilst recovering.

Post-Operative Care: Put Your Mind at Rest

We are here to put your mind at rest and offer that constant additional support as we know it can be an anxious time for you. We want you to feel safe and supported and feel more confident in re-adjusting to life at home.